
The first time I saw the Frezadones that the SachaMama teleras weave, I became breathless. It’s colorfulness catches the attention, as vibrant reds, greens and yellows stand out in flower and animal designs that struggle to meet you.
The word Frezadón is a deformation of the word frazadón (large blanket). It has a special meaning for the people of Santiago del Estero. When leaving home in search of their future, each child received one of these magnificent works of art from their mother. It is a token of love and protection.
Like the Virgin Mary, each telera mother accompanies her offspring with this kind of protective cloak. She patiently wove it on the loom for days and even months. Her loving hands, full of caresses, rest on that fabric, and each blow of the comb hides the anguish for the departure of the beloved son. It shows her deepest desire for him to find happiness.
The Frezadones are carried out in an almost forgotten technique called “baetón”, which each SachaMama telera transmits to her daughters, nieces and granddaughters as an indisputable trace of their ancestral legacy.
To order your Frezadón please contact